PODCAST 103: Book Club #1 for Wahl's Protocol
In this book club, we discuss the first three chapters in The Wahls Protocol: How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine by Dr. Terry Wahls, MD. Dr. Ron Kirschling, MD joins Dr. Meaghan for this book club as we discuss functional medicine and its approach to both chronic disease and overall health and wellness.
In these chapters, Dr. Wahls explains how her health started to decline as she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. It talks about both her physical journey and also the mental frustrations of watching her health deteriorate. She was forced to realize that in order to get her health back, she needed to change her diet and lifestyle.
These first three chapters do a great job of taking about the biochemistry component of health and wellness. In this book club, we will discuss:
In the second part of the book club, we will explore Part 2: Eating for Your Cellular Health.
Until then: Be Kind To Others, Take Care of Yourself and Make Good Choices
Thanks so much for listening.