In this last part of the book club on The WahlsProtocol by Dr. Terry Wahls we sum up Part 3 of the book. This part of the book was called Going Beyond Food. Itaddresses the other components of optimal health and wellnessincluding exercise, supplementing, and alternative medicine.
In this podcast, Dr Meaghan and Dr. Ron discuss a variety oftopics that Dr. Wahls brings up in this book. This book is a greatoverview of functional medicine and there is a lot of great talkingpoints.
- What are the benefits of supplementing
- Why so many people are deficient in vitamins and minerals, suchas selenium
- What we have noticed with outcome in care and Vitamin d
- Differences in the Vitamin E: There is a difference betweentocopherols and tocotrienols
- Why we need more than the Recommended Daily Allowances in orderto thrive
- What happens in our body on the cellular level when we aredeficient in certain vitamins and minerals
- What is functional medicine and when you should utilizefunctional medicine for optimal health